Something to Celebrate

Brownboots launches a fresh new website for Farmers National Bank in Ohio.

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Reaching New Heights in Colorado

A new website for The Dolores State Bank showcases their updated branding and their community.

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Two New Websites and We're Feeling Grateful

Capitol Bank of Wisconsin and Security National Bank of Nebraska are both new additions to the ever-growing BrownBoots roster of clients.

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Giving back with Community Collab

BrownBoots is now offering affordable websites for nonprofits while giving financials the opportunity to contribute to half (or more!) of the cost.

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The Art and Science of Sitemaps

A sitemap doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, a straightforward, streamlined approach is preferred whenever possible.

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There’s still time to request a bank website estimate for your 2024 budget!

To help you avoid hours of busy work, BrownBoots provides banks and credit unions robust estimates — promptly and painlessly.

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Exercise Caution When Using AI-generated Content

Many marketers eagerly embrace the premise of AI-driven copywriting while others caution against a promise too good to be true.

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Six Months of Bank Website Stats

Here’s what we discovered while comparing all our bank websites’ stats from the first half of 2023 with 2022’s data.

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What WCAG 2.2 means for bank website accessibility

The new WCAG 2.2 criteria build upon the foundation of earlier versions with nine updates, of which six are required for Level AA compliance.

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Looking Forward with Google Analytics 4

After many months of exploring the new interface and modernized metrics, we’re ready and eager to take advantage of GA4.

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New bank website builds on what was already working

Not even the best bank websites last forever, so we’re proud that the site we built for Woodford State Bank served them well for more than six years.

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A custom bank website that checks the right boxes

You tell us what you want, and we find the best way to make it happen — that’s the foundation of our custom bank website services.

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A Closer Look at Website Content

Google’s “Helpful Content” algorithm caters to people, not bots. Here are some tips for optimizing your bank website for human beings.

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The Dangers of Website Overdesign

Interactivity, usability, accessibility — these interrelated concepts require a balancing act to achieve the best custom website design.

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Delivering Meaningful Metrics with AgencyAnalytics

For the past year, BrownBoots has evolved the way we handle website evaluations and reports by adopting a robust system called AgencyAnalytics.

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.com vs .bank: the battle continues

Roughly six years after its debut, the .bank top-level domain (TLD) fails to dominate. Here are the current pros and cons of a .bank domain.

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Our CMS takes another step forward with new features

Our developers have been diligently adding and testing new features, which will soon reach our bank clients in the form of CMS 2.0.

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Where Should Loans Live in Website Navigation?

Our case study explores whether the Business Loans page belongs under the Business menu, the Loans menu or in both locations.

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2022 Wrap-up & 2023 Look Ahead

Due to technology’s ceaseless march forward, no two years are ever the same at a custom website agency like BrownBoots Interactive.

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Two Bank Websites Go Live

We’re a big fan of every bank website we build, and the two newest ones showcase our latest and greatest.

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3 simple steps to a solid social media strategy

It’s time to refine your social media strategy. Otherwise, you risk a reactive approach and spans of radio silence sprinkled throughout the year.

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We Make Bank Website Projects a Breeze

When it comes to bank website design and development, our process is just as important as the product at BrownBoots Interactive.

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What Marketers Should Know about Website Hosting

Few things intimidate a bank marketer like the esoteric terminology of IT, so here are the basics of website hosting in plain English.

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Scouring 2022 Bank Website Stats

Here’s what we discovered while scouring seven months’ worth of data — January through July 2022 — for our bank and credit union websites.

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The premiere of our Post Launch Success Plan

We’re so committed to continuous improvement that we continuously improve our own approach to it. Introducing the Post Launch Success Plan!

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DOJ weighs in on ADA compliance

Now that the DOJ has stated its current stance on ADA compliance, some website agencies might find themselves scrambling to catch up. But not BrownBoots!

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SEO Fundamentals for Every Marketer

The path to enlightened acquisition begins with SEO, the process of improving the quality and quantity of unpaid website traffic from search engines.

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Your Google Business Profile Primer

Here’s what you need to know so you can take control of your Google Business Profile and update the information displayed there.

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Connecting with Our Clients in 2022

The release of CMS 1.6 went smoothly, with many clients eager to start leveraging the latest versions of each tool.

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New bank website is cause for celebration

We love celebrating the launches of our custom bank websites. We love it even more when our clients celebrate with us!

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New Year, Newer CMS

BrownBoots is kicking off 2022 with a new version of our CMS, complete with more custom tools for financials that are easier to use than ever.

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Midwest bank gets bigger, better website

In most of First Security Bank & Trust’s markets, it is the biggest bank in town, and the new bank website needed to reflect that.

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A Dozen Details about Our Dual Webservers

Recently, BrownBoots implemented a dual-server network to augment our already-robust secure web hosting features.

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BrownBoots helps bare-bones bank website bulk up

We often find ourselves carving away the fat when it comes to bank website redesigns, but the other extreme is equally problematic.

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Bank website builds on prior success is the first bank website to take advantage of our updated CMS, which will keep the site effective for years to come.

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Spectrum of Bank Website Interactivity

It’s no longer enough to just read a bank website; today’s customers want to react, which means successful sites must provide interactivity.

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Dig deeper to discover bank website deserved a redesign

Sometimes new clients come to us because their current bank website is, well, a big mess. But Peshtigo National Bank was more proactive.

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Coming Soon: CMS 1.5.8

Because we are firm believers in continuous improvement, we’ve been busy finetuning our proprietary content management system (CMS).

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SEO vs. SEM: Which is Better?

Search engine optimization and search engine marketing are two distinct marketing tactics. Depending on your goals, you may need SEO, SEM or both!

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2021 Simple CMS Survey Results

With our content management system, you can manage your own website easily — and your feedback helps make the CMS even better!

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Bank website launches new national brand

When you think of your finances, does the word “kindness” come to mind? It will now, thanks to KindMoney’s brand-new bank website.

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Better bank website benefits from process improvements

Proven processes produce amazing bank websites. It turns out the best bank websites can also improve those processes.

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Strategic Digital Marketing Services

The best bank websites leverage many inroads, including email marketing, social media marketing, organic SEO, paid SEM and more.

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Every custom bank website contains something new

BrownBoots doesn’t build cookie-cutter websites. In addition to the common elements that best practice demands, we strive to make each bank website unique.

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5 bank website trends for 2021

If your bank website isn’t evolving with the times, it’s falling behind. Here are five features to take your website to the next level.

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BrownBoots bank websites overcame challenges of 2020

2020 brought some big challenges, but it wasn’t all bad news for this bank marketing agency — and 2021 will be even better!

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Our Most Recent Bank Website is Monumental

The new Investors Community Bank website is perhaps the largest site we’ve ever launched — and the level of quality easily matches its quantity!

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Refreshed bank website benefits residents and repeat visitors

Incorporating local photography and the friendly faces of bank staff, has a homey atmosphere that customers have come to expect.

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BrownBoots presents Google Analytics 4 at WBA LEAD360

For the second consecutive year BrownBoots presented to the attendees of the WBA LEAD360 conference, but this year the content was delivered virtually.

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Your wakeup call for bank website CTAs

Bank websites must do more than simply share information. Make sure your site features the right calls to action (CTAs) to generate leads.

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Top bank website search terms

By listening to your visitors talk/type about your products in their own words, your bank website will be better equipped to assist them.

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Small bank website gets major makeover

Community Bank Owatonna needed a bank website that made the financial institution look as good on the outside as it already was on the inside.

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Bank website updates: what and when?

With a CMS, you can manage your own website — but what kinds of content should be added or altered? And how often should such changes take place?

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CSB’s new bank website is as custom as they come

We love building big, robust bank websites, and might just be the most customized bank website we’ve created yet.

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Impact of COVID-19 on banks and credit unions

The COVID-19 pandemic proved that CMS tools and the power to manage your own website are not only convenient, but crucial.

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BrownBoots welcomes KD Bernander

BrownBoots has augmented its team by hiring a new project manager: Kathleen-Dawn Bernander — or KD for short.

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How to build a better landing page

Here are a handful of tips for making your bank website landing page capitalize on traffic from SEM, email marketing and other digital marketing campaigns.

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The results of our simple CMS survey

A BrownBoots bank website, powered by our proprietary content management system (CMS), lets you manage your own website — but is it easy to use?

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Simple CMS Updates 2020

We’re always looking for ways to make our content management system (CMS) even better. Here are a handful of recent improvements to our simple CMS.

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When is the right time for a bank website redesign?

While there is no magic number when it comes to the lifespan of a bank website, here are six scenarios that often require a website redesign.

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The buzz with online chat for banks

With more and more customers seeking online solutions for their banking, why wouldn’t you add another channel for customer service and sales?

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A bank website design for every generation

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel when creating a custom bank website design, but sometimes you can revolutionize it.

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Hindsight and foresight are 2020

We’re thrilled to share 2019’s highlights as well as where BrownBoots Interactive is headed in the new year.

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Community bank website takes customization to next level

By helping PWSB out-community other banks, we’ve shown BrownBoots can out-customize other bank website providers.

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Keeping tabs on holiday marketing trends

We’ve set up a quick survey to gather data about how financials address the season of holidays with their customers. Please participate!

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New partnership with Siteimprove

BrownBoots Interactive has tapped into the power of Siteimprove’s website analysis tools to help keep bank websites in optimal condition.

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Our simple CMS makes building forms even easier

Whether you need a landing page for a bank marketing campaign or creating an online application, webforms are a godsend. Now our simple CMS can make them!

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Is your bank marketing budget right on the money?

As summer makes way for autumn, we anticipate cooler temperatures, colorful foliage and an influx of bank marketing estimate requests.

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Tune in for our bank marketing ‘clip show’

In case you missed any of the BrownBoots blog’s 2019 “season,” here is our very own summery summary for your convenience.

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Mastering your midyear bank website review

We recommend using the summer months to perform a website audit to ensure your site is functional and accurate. Here are some tips!

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Bank website leaps brand obstacles in a single bound

We want to be your hero. Often that means creating a custom, responsive bank website, but sometimes we save the day in other ways.

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More CMS tools for your bank website toolbox

A stagnant website is a dying website. We believe the same to be true for content management systems (CMS).

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BrownBoots bank website delivers big benefits to small bank

While we cater to financials of all sizes, smaller banks often enjoy an extra benefit from working with BrownBoots on their new bank website.

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4 reasons to show rates on your bank website

The pros outweigh the cons when it comes to displaying interest rates. Here are 4 reasons why you should show rates on your bank website.

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The Bank of Salem Website

Community becomes even more important to smaller banks when their branches are contained to a single city, such as The Bank of Salem.

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Bank Digital Marketing Strategy 2019

Following an April Fools’ joke full of fake digital marketing tips, we’re delighted to deliver the real thing for your digital marketing strategy.

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4 toasty digital marketing tips for financials

We have pooled our knowledge with the insights of other industry experts to provide you four digital marketing recommendations for banks and credit unions.

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Trends and challenges for financials in 2019

To increase collaboration with financials across the country and alleviate pain points across the industry, we recently sent out a survey.

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We build better bank intranets

Lately, we’ve become aware of a problem plaguing our bank and credit union clients: bad bank intranets.

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Website analysis: monitoring data that matters

A regularly scheduled website review is kind of like flossing: you know it’s important, but it’s easy to put off.

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Maintaining — no, gaining — momentum in 2019

Here at BrownBoots Bank Websites, we can sum up our New Year’s resolution in three words: be even better.

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Shredding the myth of paperless marketing

Just like the promise of a paper-free office, the age of digital-only marketing is a fable. Print marketing is here to stay.

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New bank website builds upon a chain of change

Creating a custom bank website from the ground up allows for evaluation of what came before and enhancement for what comes next.

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Custom bank website competes

The beauty of a custom bank website is you can adopt the resources and functionality that larger banks boast but put your own spin on them.

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New bank website is a thing of beauty

At BrownBoots, creativity and technology always work together to make something beautiful. It’s just the natural order of things.

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6 tips for creating a strategic survey

Perception surveys might sound boring on the surface, but they often come with a surprise or two for banks and credit unions.

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Bank website acceleration demands greater collaboration

Any bank website provider can call themselves a partner, but BrownBoots strives to be a true collaborator.

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Should your bank’s digital marketing strategy include geofencing?

A bank or credit union has many tactics and tools to consider as part of their digital marketing strategy. Should geofencing be included in your mix?

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New bank website boasts third-party integration

When we say we play nicely with other vendors and service providers, we mean it. The result? A better bank website.

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Anatomy of a Webpage

A bank website design is only as strong as its weakest page. When it comes to a website review, we recommend a page-by-page checkup.

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National Exchange Bank website (3.0)

Every bank marketing project is unique — even when it’s something we’ve done for a client twice before.

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Welcome to your new website!

We love celebrating the launch of a new bank website or credit union website. So it’s only natural that we’re excited to share with you the rebirth of our own site!

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Questions about .bank domain still abound

Nearly three years after its debut, the .bank top-level domain (TLD) continues to confuse financials. Fortunately, we have answers.

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Are product wizards right for your bank website?

Product wizards lead bank website visitors through a series of questions to calculate a recommendation.

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2018 off to a successful start with 3 bank website launches

BrownBoots kicked off the new year with a flurry of excitement by launching three bank website design projects in the first month alone.

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New bank brand? No problem!

Few things necessitate a bank website update like new branding guidelines. We put financials in control of the look of their bank website.

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3 tough choices in bank website design

Every bank website design project requires a series of decisions. Here are a few situations that could make a big impact both website accessibility and aesthetics.

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